Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I enjoyed being the Administrator for the Fall and Winter Haiku 2007 blogs!

Many thanks to Mandy for her invaluable advice.

I loved meeting new people (via email).

I am taking a little break so I can enjoy the nice weather (until the heat sets in!)

I would be willing to take another season in the near future.

Best wishes to Ashi for organizing this season. May you enjoy it as much as I did!

saying farewell
to one part of life
to enjoy more


John McDonald said...

thank you both isabel and mandy - a great job well done

John McDonald said...

thank you both isabel and mandy - a great job well done

Pan Haiku Review said...

Thanks Isabel and Mandy for all your hard work, and thank you Ashi for stepping in for Spring 2008! ;-)

Pearl said...

Thanks for stepping forward to organize.

Shelley said...

Thank you for your work!

jem said...

Thanks for everything. Enjoy spectating the season rather than organizing it!